Nothing is too small or too difficult for us to take on. From dirtbike levers to engine cases to OEM colour matching, we can do it all. Fast turn around at affordable prices.
As dirtbike riders ourselves, we know the connection you have with your machine. We are highly skilled with an eye for detail and pride ourselves on friendly fast service and affordability.
Affordable and quality top and bottom end rebuilds. Don't believe the hype about paying $2k+ for rebuilds, we rely on our quality service to keep our customers coming back, not inflated prices for once offs.
We have access to specialised suspension experts and performance measurement equipment to dial in your ride. You don't know what riding is until your machine is one with the terrain, getting all that power to the ground.
Doing a good job is not good enough for us. Everything we do we aim to wow and amaze you. That extends to quality of product, service, customer interaction, detail and cost. Once you try us you will never go elsewhere again!
We are here to service your needs. So naturally, the first step for us is to talk to you, understand your needs. Whether that is working our colours and styles for powder coating, or discussing issues you may be having with your bike, it all starts with a conversation.
Once we know what you need, we then take the time to anaylse and identify how to fulfil those needs. We are big believers in upfront planning so we save headaches at the end.
We work on complete transparency on all job costs. We will provide quotes every step of the way, and ensure you approve the costs before work commences. No hidden costs, no holding your bike for ransom to charge extra.
Time to get it done. Once the first three steps are completed, we will work to deliver your desired outcomes to the highest quality possible, both physical works and ongoing communication and customer service. Delivery is the whole package in our opinion.